The New Legion
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Sounds of Wasteland

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Post  Rimak Sun Jun 27, 2010 9:08 pm

This is not something a nature would do, it's all about people.
Humanity has led herself to destruction, greed and corruption destroyed what was created for many years.
A vault city archives hold almost all of information about he world before the war, but as we found out more and more, we understood that the general mistake was created far before.
More than 2 thousand years ago there was a glorious empire, who ruled in Europe - Rome. For more than 700 years it's power has grown, unity and patriotism was main postulates of that time. Seems like nothing was able to destroy it, they were powerful enough to stand against any foe who dare to stand against them. But the corruption was burn within it. At year 80 AD Christianity entered roman society with destructive force, which disrupted balance within it. Unity was starting to fall.

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As Christianity grew to power it's influence speared Romans and church has came to power. People had no priority in new world it was all the word of god. Church itself has created the biggest corruption the world have ever seen, it destroyed the glory of Romans, for her popularity. Eventually Rome fell. the many years past it was Christianity who made new statement about the world, allowing people to slowly destroy themselves. There was not a year when a war was fought in the name of god, even the last years before the war was full of disharmony, because Christianity did not accepted any other gods.
And it led to abyss of fire, that has wiped out everything that was on the face of planet.
Legion stand for old ways before the big mistake was made, we understood our mistake and will not make that again. History have shown old ways to be right.
Now it is in our minds where we fight the main battle. Each should think of how he see our world. We will build a new one, better, because we know the ways.
Glory in Unity, for we are the Legion.

Legions main RP Cc87fedb

Posts : 36
Join date : 2010-05-26
Age : 38

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